ECPR Graduate Conference 2012 Report

Sarah Sinram has co-chaired the section “Party Politics“ at the ECPR Graduate Conference in Bremen from 4.-6.7.2012 along with Ann-Kristin Kolln (University of  Twente) and Marco Morini (University of Pavia). The section included five panels on current issues in research on political parties:

  1. The Lives of New Parties: Burning Bright, Burning Out, or Fading Away?
  2. Scaling Down: Behavioural Patterns of Parties and MPs at Subnational Level
  3. Political Parties and their Policy Positions
  4. Parties as Strategic Actors
  5. The Dynamics of Party Systems in Central and Eastern Europe

The former two had been submitted as complete panels. All panels were characterized by a strong coherence but included the benefits of a wide range of methodological approaches as well as insights from the international background of the presenters and the audience. A list of all  submitted papers presented in the “Party Politics“ Section.

EPSA Annual Conference 2012 Report

Benjamin Engst and Christoph Hönnige presented the paper “Stone-Sweet, Vanberg and the Abstract Review Procedure Revisited: Findings from the French Conseil Constitutionnel” in the panel „Two-Level Games? Institutional Influences on Politics“ at the 2nd EPSA conference in Berlin from 21.-23.6.2012. Benjamin also served as discussant for the panel on „Political Trust“.

Additional Courses for BA and MA Students

There are two additional courses available in summer:

1. A practical introduction into the statistical program R taught by Lukas Stötzer who is also teaching this course at the graduate school at the University of Mannheim. This course can be taken by interested BA, MA and PhD students. See UniVZ and StudIP for more information.

2. A course for MA students taught by Andreas Schmid about administrative reforms in Germany. He is a senior consultant directing large projects in the public sector at Horváth & Partners Managment Consultants and will also give some practical insights. See UniVZ and StudIP for more information.

Welcome everybody!

I am Professor for German Politics at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. After having graduated from the University of Konstanz, I received my PhD from the University of Potsdam. Before being appointed Professor in Göttingen I was Assistant Professor for Comparative and German Politics at the University of Kaiserslautern. My research focuses on three aspects: (1) Constitutional courts in comparative perspective and the Bundesverfassungsgericht, (2) Parliaments and administrative reforms and (3) Comparative Policy Agendas. In all three research fields I analyze the impact of institutional rules on individual behavior and the behavior of groups.

On this website you can access information about my teaching and examination requirements. You will also find an overview about current research projects and research co-operations, especially about the ECPR Standing Group on Law&Politics. Connected to the standing group there is also information about panels and sections of ECPR, APSA, DVPW and IPSA conferences in the field of law and courts I (co)-organize. You can also download some of my publications, conference papers and get access to my CV in English.